Posts Tagged ‘asset search’

Asset Search – Locating Assets

Friday, August 28th, 2020

An asset search can provide real estate owned, vehicles, vessels, retirement accounts, stocks, bank accounts, employment, income amounts and more.  This information is difficult to obtain but once located can provide valuable information that can help you find justice.   Many different types of businesses and individuals can benefit from an asset search.

Landlords often need to conduct an asset search in order collect from nonpaying tenants.  Attorneys who represent landlords can use the information to obtain garnishment and help the landlords and businesses recover their losses.

Often attorneys working on a family law matter will need to obtain an asset locate to assist their clients and help determine new child support rates. Attorneys working on family law cases can also use an asset locate to find hidden assets when a divorce is pending. 

Finding assets can also help you identify fraud.  For example, if there is a business deal that has gone bad or if there is someone saying they cannot pay you but are hiding assets, we can help discover those assets. Read more here.

There are many other times that you may need to locate assets including determining financial stability for a business opportunity. If you have a question about how locating assets can help you, please contact us at