More Information Becoming Available to the Public in the Name of Safety

For many years police have had access to databases that summarize and chart criminal activity.  They have used this information for many reasons, one being able to identify “hot spots” of criminal activity within a certain area or region.  They are able to beef up their presence in these areas or use it to locate details of criminal activity they have been trying to find.  However, as more and more information is out there for the public, many websites have been created so that citizens are able to see the criminal activity around them.  Websites contain information such as locations of registered sex offenders, burglaries, and other reported crimes.  Some areas even update public website with calls coming into 911 including trespassing and noise complaints.

As a private investigation company, we are thankful for these websites so that families and individuals can do research themselves to find details about the areas they live or would like to live.  The more information that is out there to keep people safe, the better we feel.

When there is specific information that someone needs that they are not able to locate or they have located information and are ready to take action that we can help with – that is where we come in.

Portland Private Investigator Tips – Hiring a Private Investigator in Portland

Finding a private investigator can be a daunting task. Where do you look? A better question would be, how do you look? You could ask for referrals from family, friends, or business associates. You could look on line or in the phone book. You could check your local newspaper.

Be wary when looking for a private investigator on line. Many companies are unlicensed and are little more than data research centers. They will charge exorbitant fees for information you might easily have found yourself.

Searching for a Portland Private Investigator

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Informal Thoughts on Service of Process from a Portland Process Server

When someone asks me what service of process means, the bottom-line, in my opinion, is helping to provide an individual with his/her constitutional rights to due process.  This is the first step in protecting that person’s rights so that he/she can be adequately notified of any charges or proceedings and can be heard in the proceedings.  As a process server, I act as a messenger letting a respondent or defendant know that someone wants to dispute, but I am not the one who wants to dispute.  I am not there to bother or harass someone. …Continue Reading

Skip Locate: What Is A Skip Locate | From The Perspective Of A Portland Private Investigator

In the Private Investigation world we use words and give titles to things that the average Joe wouldn’t understand; for an example PI’s say “I need a Skip Locate done.”  Here in Portland, Oregon and across most of the United States, Skip Locate means simply, I need you to find someone for me.  Most often when a Law Office or another Private Investigator asks me to do a Skip Locate or a Skip then they are telling me to find someone who is not easily found. …Continue Reading

Employee Post: Common Misconceptions About Process Service

Whenever anyone asks about what I do when process serving, the typical reactions are either strangely fearful or delight because of what they’ve seen on TV or the movies.

Process servers have a reputation as bringers of bad news, and oftentimes that is the case.  Most of the time when I show up on someone’s doorstep or place of employment it’s to deliver court documents related to non-payment of some kind or notification of a pending family matter.  It’s important to note that as the process server, I am not a party to the action detailed in the packet of papers I’m delivering, I am just the messenger.  We can try to run from the bad news, but it finds us eventually, and when it does, if it took a lot of effort on the parts of investigators and process servers that cost is usually passed on to the individual being sought out.  What starts as a small fee can easily skyrocket to hundreds of dollars, sometimes even costing more than the amount owed in the first place. …Continue Reading